Healthy Change : Part Five — Some Prescriptions For Productive Goals, #9, Michele Bachmann Case Example

In this article additional information in the form of a case example of Michele Bachmann is presented for Prescription #9  of “Some Prescriptions For Productive Goals” which is : Consider voting for candidates (e.g., President of the United States) based upon levels of intuition in addition to other areas you believe deserve consideration (see “The Voter Scorecard”, Healthy Change : Part Five — Some Prescriptions For Productive Goals, #1 ).

Estimated Level of Intuition (Brief Analysis) :

According to Project Vote Smart (; obtained on 11-11-2011), Michele Bachmann was born 04/06/1956. The Project Vote Smart web site also showed the following :


JD, Oral Roberts University
LLM, Tax Law, College of William and Mary
BA, Winona State University”
“Professional Experience

Owner, Mental Health Care Practice
Attorney, Federal Tax Litigation”

“Political Experience

Representative, United States House of Representatives, 2007-present
Assistant Minority Leader, Minnesota State Senate, 2006
Senator, Minnesota State Senate, 2000-2006”

From the CNBC (; obtained on 11-11-2011) :

Career Profile 

Current Occupation: U.S. representative from Minnesota

CV: attorney for Internal Revenue Service (1995-2000); Minnesota state senator (2000-2006); elected to congress 2006.

Business Background: Michele Bachmann’s primary exposure to business came during her service as a tax litigator at the IRS. After leaving the Treasury, she briefly maintained a tax law office before throwing herself into education activism in Minnesota.”

Holland Code : The first or primary Holland Code would appear to be Enterprising (E) suggesting that she resembles people most in Enterprising occupations. Michele Bachmann has appeared to spend much of her professional career as both a Tax Attorney and Politician. In Appendix B Self-Directed Search Form R The Occupations Finder (found in “Making Vocational Choices” Third Edition, copyright 1973, 1985, 1992, 1997 by Psychological Assessment Resources Inc. Pages 267-271) under Enterprising  Occupations, the three letter code for Attorney, Tax is ESI  (Enterprising, Social, Investigative) and the three letter code for Politician is ESA (Enterprising, Social, Artistic).
It is estimated that she would have somewhere between a relatively low to a relatively medium level of Intuition. Some Information supporting this estimate includes the following :
1. In the dissertation titled “The Relationship Between the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory”, copyrighted and originally published in 1992, on pages 195-196 (information was referenced from Myers I.B. & McCaulley, M.H., 1985, “Manual : A guide to the development and use of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.” Palo Alto, CA : Consulting Psychologists Press.) the author wrote : “Sensing and intuition are ways of becoming aware of things, people, events, or ideas, being attuned to the flow of events. Sensing is perception by the senses and establishes what exists. The focus is on what is presently happening and what is real. Persons oriented toward sensing often enjoy the present, are realistic, observe well with a good memory for details, and are practical. Intuition enables perception of possibilities, meanings, and relationships through insight. Intuitive perceptions can be hunches, creative discoveries, and seeing patterns among events, originating in the unconscious. Persons oriented toward intuition may neglect present reality, be imaginative, theoretical, abstract, future oriented, or creative.”
2. In the book, “The 16 PF : Personality in Depth”, written by Heather Birkett Cattell, Ph.D. (Copyright 1989 by the Institute for Personality and Ability Testing, Inc.) in “Chapter 11 Factor M : Intuiting and Sensing as Contrasting Perceptual Modes” she wrote : “Human beings have two modes of perceiving and, as individuals, tend to favor one over another. One mode relies more on immediate sensory experience, deriving awareness from direct contact of five senses with the environment. The other relies less on the immediacy of the senses, being more focused on how information about the information becomes organized with an inner scheme of connecting thoughts, speculations, and subliminal connections…Factor M bears strong resemblance to one of the bipolar dimensions in Jung’s type theory of human temperament…Having recognized the similarity between M+ and M- and intuition and sensation functions has allowed me to draw on observation amassed by Jungians, to aid in my understanding of M+ and M- examinees.”
3. Significant correlations (probability less than .01) between the identified 16 PF Primary Scale Abstractedness (M) on the 16 PF and Intuition (.41) on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and Abstractedness (M) on the 16 PF and Sensation (-.41) on the MBTI are shown on page 87 in the  16 PF Fifth Edition With Updated Norms Administrator’s Manual (1993, 1994, 2002). Decimals are used in this presentation of correlations versus identified as being omitted in the 16 PF Fifth Edition Manual on page 87. The 16 PF Fifth Edition Manual With Updated Norms Administrator’s Manual (1993, 1994, 2002) also shows that Holland Themes can be predicted by a combination of 16 PF factors. It is noteworthy that 16PF factor M contributes to significantly predicting Investigative (M+), Artistic (M+), and Conventional (M-) Holland Code Themes and is not a significant predictor for any other Holland Code Themes (see pages 116-118 in the 16 PF Fifth Edition Manual With Updated Norms).  These findings appear to at least be  consistent with and seem to support the results of the dissertation : “The Relationship Between the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory. Specifically, from “Healthy Change : Part One” published in The Hygiology Post on June 29, 2011 from the aforementioned dissertation of the author : “… The Canonical Correlation Analysis Summary results on page 157 included :  ‘The results indicated that Intuition was consistently and positively associated with A and I Holland codes and negatively associated with the C Holland code.’  (Content in parentheses was omitted.)…Q-factor Analysis Summary results on pages 167-168 included : ‘High MBTI Intuition scores were positively associated with Investigative and Artistic and lowest on Enterprising and Conventional codes.’ “


Michele Bachmann, it seems, was for Use of Military Force Against Iraq. Some information supporting this conclusion :

The following excerpt was retrieved on 11-11-2011 from :

“Iraq War Resolution

By: Michele Bachmann
Date: Feb. 15, 2007
Location: Washington, DC
IRAQ WAR RESOLUTION — (House of Representatives – February 15, 2007)…September 11 galvanized Americans. We knew without a doubt that we had an enemy, but America fought back, united. We were attacked on September 11, but the radical Islamic jihadists declared war on innocent Americans long before that morning and, chillingly, that war continues even today. Their brand of evil chooses to kill the greatest number of innocent civilians. They are a cruel enemy. They are unwavering in their resolve to seek the total annihilation of the United States of America and of our freedoms, and of our Western allies especially. They seek to destroy our friend, the State of Israel.
Today, Iraq is the central front in this war, and that is according to the radical Islamists themselves. Some in this Chamber may want to deny that fact. However, it is the jihadists who chose Iraq as the central front in the war on terror. It wasn’t the United States. And we fight them on their turf. Al-Zawahiri has said many times that Iraq is one of the crucial fields in the Islamist war. The radical Islamists know that they cannot beat us with guns and with bullets alone. They can only beat us in one way, and that is if they crumple the resolve of America to fight and to win this war…”


The candidates the author has have thus far been looking at include the current 2012 United States Presidential Candidates President Barack Obama, Jr., Ron Paul, Mitt Romney, Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, and Jon Huntsman, Jr. The author will be examining an estimated level of intuition (or, sensation-intuition) and their positions on Use of Military Force against Iraq (prior to The Iraq War commencement).

The candidates themselves or their representatives are each invited to comment, make  recommendations, and/or add to the information in The Hygiology Post. Also, all of the aforementioned United States Presidential candidates are invited to be interviewed (for almost any purpose and in basically any format they choose to be interviewed) by and write an article for publication in The Hygiology Post.

The author plans to expound upon Prescription #9 (Prescription #9  of “Some Prescriptions For Productive Goals” is : Consider voting for candidates [e.g., President of The United States] based upon levels of intuition in addition to other areas you believe deserve consideration) with additional information in The Hygiology Post.

The Hygiology Post welcomes feedback from readers on all six parts of the series (individually and/or as a total package) upon completion of the series as to whether the articles help fulfill its vision and mission.

Louis DeCola, Jr.                                                 © 2011 The Hygiology Post


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