Healthy Change : Part Five — Some Prescriptions For Productive Goals, #9, The Voter Scorecard © 1988, 2011 Scoring Version 1.0 on 2012 Presidential Candidate President Barack Obama, Jr.

Prescription #9  of “Some Prescriptions For Productive Goals” is : Consider voting for candidates (e.g., President of the United States) based upon levels of intuition in addition to other areas you believe deserve consideration (see “The Voter Scorecard”, Healthy Change : Part Five — Some Prescriptions For Productive Goals, #1 ). One focus is to increase the use and usefulness of The Voter Scorecard to obtain good election outcomes. Toward that end  The Voter Scorecard © 1988, 2011 Scoring Version 1.0 on 2012 Presidential Candidate President Barack Obama, Jr.  is presented. It is anticipated that there will be technical difficulties with the addition of the scoring function. However, the positives are anticipated to far outweigh the negatives.

The Voter Scorecard ©  1988, 2011 Scoring Version 1.0 on any 2012 Presidential Candidate is provided “as is”, without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. In no event shall the author or copyright holder be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort, or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with The Voter Scorecard ©  1988, 2011 Scoring Version 1.0 on any 2012 Presidential Candidate or the use or other dealings involving The Voter Scorecard ©  1988, 2011 Scoring Version 1.0 on any 2012 Presidential Candidate.

Readers are encouraged to complete The Voter Scorecard © 1988, 2011  Scoring Version 1.0 on 2012 Presidential Candidate President barack Obama, Jr. and all other candidates included in the scoring system. If you complete The Voter Scorecard © 1988, 2011 Scoring Version 1.0 on 2012 Presidential President Barack Obama, Jr. below and successfully submit it to The Hygiology Post at any time in 2011 the scoring report results will be sent to the e-mail address you have provided free of charge. You can obtain a report for 8 Presidential Candidates (i.e, Ron Paul, Mitt Romney, Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Jon Huntsman, Jr. and President Barack Obama, Jr.) sent to an e-mail address you provide for the cost of $9.99. This cost will also include any programming version updates and any 2012 Presidential Candidates added by The Hygiology Post for comparison (such as a third party Ralph Nader or Ross Perot candidacy of past election years). The scores are principally based upon the questions and your responses to the questions you have determined are important. Obtaining a report on 2012 Presidential Candidates provides not only scores on each question for comparison but also the GRAND TOTAL score in order to identify the candidate with the highest total score to vote for using The Voter Scorecard © 1988, 2011 Scoring Version 1.0.



The Voter Scorecard            Copyright  © 1988, 2011 Louis DeCola, Jr. All Rights Reserved

The Voter Scorecard © 1988, 2011 Scoring Version 1.0

There are 38 questions. Included are five write-in questions : (Foreign Policy) Aid, (Domestic Policy) Immigration,  (The Person) Intuition, (The Person) Integrity, and (The Person) Trustworthiness and 6 blank write-in (you have an option to include in the scoring specific write-in content which will not be displayed but content needs to be the same for any 2012 Presidential Candidate thereby allowing for meaningful score comparisons) questions. This scoring version assigns an equal weighting of  “1” to all questions (with scores ranging from 1-7) unless you decide that the question is not important (which would result in a weighting and score of zero and would be the same for any 2012 Presidential Candidate). The Voter Scorecard © 1988, 2011 Scoring Version 1.0 provides scores obtained on each question and a GRAND TOTAL score on the 2012 Presidential Candidate which can be compared to other 2012 Presidential Candidate scores. The scoring report results sent by e-mail give information to you to increase the GRAND TOTAL score if you find that a category such as leadership is twice as important to you as intelligence. The 2012 Presidential Candidate with the highest GRAND TOTAL score would receive your vote according to The Voter Scorecard © 1988, 2011 Scoring Version 1.0 Rational Decision-Making Method of Voting. If you complete The Voter Scorecard © 1988, 2011 Scoring Version 1.0 on 2012 Presidential Candidate President Barack Obama, Jr. below and successfully submit it to The Hygiology Post at any time in 2011 the scoring report results will be sent to the e-mail address you have provided free of charge.



Official portrait of President-elect Barack Obama

This photo is titled “Official portrait of President-elect Barack Obama” on Jan. 13, 2009. The photographer was Pete Souza (; obtained on 10-27-11). The Hygiology Post author could find no identified restrictions on publication except that the photographer, Pete Souza, needed to be cited.





The Voter Scorecard            Copyright  © 1988, 2011  Louis DeCola, Jr. All Rights Reserved

A Rational Decision-Making Method

Voting behavior is important in a democracy. The Voter Scorecard can help you make voting decisions. It can help you develop a type of rational decision-making skill. The Voter Scorecard could help to ensure that you fully consider issues you consider important. The Voter scorecard process could be compared to the present process by which you make voting decisions.

The Voter Scorecard could be used for any voting situation, from voting on a single issue, choosing among presidential candidates, or electing a high school student council representative. A representative of people (e.g., U.S. House Representative) could even show constituents how (s)he voted by showing them her/his Voter Scorecard. The Voter Scorecard could provide an explicit basis as to how the representative made a decision and facilitate, in turn, voting for the representative by her/his constituents.

People may wish to discuss the basis of their decisions with others. In fact, The Voter Scorecard tells something about the personality of the scorer. A candidate could be assessed at different time intervals to look at changes (in the scorer or candidate). Even past office holders can be assessed. The Voter Scorecard could thus have practical, educational, and entertainment value.

Directions For Use Of The Voter Scorecard : 5 Steps

WARNING TO THE UNINITIATED : This could take some thought.

1. Listed below are several categories to consider. Major Topics are in boxes and listed below are subtopics. If a topic or subtopic is unimportant, cross it out. If you believe that important major topics and/or subtopics have not been listed write in topics and/or subtopics that you believe consideration.

2. Weight each subtopic relative to every other subtopic. For example, if all categories are equal, weight the categories a “1”. If a category such as leadership is twice as important to you as intelligence, weight, weight leadership with a number that is twice as large as intelligence. (Suggestion : Rank all subtopics from least to most important, giving the least important subtopic(s) a numerical rating of one and more important subtopics higher relative numbers.)

3. Score each subtopic using same numerical rating scale. A possible scale to use is provided. Be certain to use the numerical scale  as you do each Voter Scorecard so comparisons can be done easily.

4. Multiply weighted values by scores to get subtotals. Add up subtotals within each major topic area. Then add totals of all categories to get a grand total.

5. Compare grand totals of candidates. The candidate with the highest score would receive your vote according to the Voter Scorecard Decision-Making Method of Voting. Candidates or issues can be additionally compared across major topic areas (e.g.,  “Foreign”) or subtopic areas (e.g., “education).

Suggested Scoring

One method of scoring The Voter Scorecard is given below. If you find that you have difficulties scoring or did not have an opinion, you may wish to find out more relevant information so you can either form an opinion or come to firmer conclusions.

Select the appropriate number to end the sentence :

Regarding this aspect of the candidate/issue, I :








The Voter Scorecard for the US General Presidential Election 2012

Decision : Choosing a President in the US General Election for 2012

Candidate/ Issue:   Barack Obama, Jr.

Official portrait of President-elect Barack Obama

This photo is titled “Official portrait of President-elect Barack Obama” on Jan. 13, 2009. The photographer was Pete Souza (; obtained on 10-27-11). The Hygiology Post author could find no identified restrictions on publication except that the photographer, Pete Souza, needed to be cited.

President Barack Obama, Jr.



Areas To Consider            Weighting : Relative Importance            Score            Subtotals


[Foreign:    ]   ____________________________________________________________

Trade           ____________________________________________________________

Defense      ____________________________________________________________

Terrorism ____________________________________________________________

Sanctions ____________________________________________________________

Drugs        ____________________________________________________________

*Aid (added as write-in)* _________________________________________________________


Foreign Subtotal :______

[Domestic:    ] __________________________________________________________

Taxes           __________________________________________________________

Energy        __________________________________________________________

Budget Deficit _______________________________________________________

Education __________________________________________________________

Environment ________________________________________________________

Health _____________________________________________________________

Jobs _______________________________________________________________

Welfare _____________________________________________________________

Urban Policy _________________________________________________________

Wages ______________________________________________________________

Law & Order _________________________________________________________

Drugs ______________________________________________________________

Abortion ___________________________________________________________

*Immigration (added as write-in)*____________________________________________


Domestic Subtotal : ______

[The Person (if examining candidate versus an issue) :    ] _________________________

Reliability ___________________________________________________________

Stability _____________________________________________________________

Honesty _____________________________________________________________

Intelligence __________________________________________________________

Judgement ___________________________________________________________

Insight ______________________________________________________________

Creativity ____________________________________________________________

Leadership ___________________________________________________________

Past Record __________________________________________________________

*Intuition (added as write-in)*_____________________________________________

*Integrity (added as write-in)*_____________________________________________

*Trustworthiness (added as write-in)*________________________________________


The Person Subtotal______

[Write-In Major Topic:_______    ] ___________________________________________



Write-In Subtotal : _______

[Write-In Major Topic:_______    ] ____________________________________________



Write-In Subtotal:_________

Grand Total :[______]




Some Glossary Examples:

(The Voter Scorecard user could choose to define any terms in the way that they choose.)

“Foreign policy refers to the ways in which nations advance their interests and objectives in world politics. Countries ordinarily pursue their objectives through diplomacy (official negotiations) with other countries and through participation in international organizations. However, in certain cases, countries use military force to protect their interests…foreign policy commonly include environmental protection, human rights issues, international trade, and the prevention or resolution of armed conflict…” (The World Book Encyclopedia 2011, F, Volume 7, page 387, copyright 2011)

Intuition or Sensation-Intuition :

In the dissertation titled “The Relationship Between the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory”, copyrighted and originally published in 1992, on pages 195-196 (information was referenced from Myers I.B. & McCaulley, M.H., 1985, “Manual : A guide to the development and use of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.” Palo Alto, CA : Consulting Psychologists Press.) the author wrote : “Sensing and intuition are ways of becoming aware of things, people, events, or ideas, being attuned to the flow of events. Sensing is perception by the senses and establishes what exists. The focus is on what is presently happening and what is real. Persons oriented toward sensing often enjoy the present, are realistic, observe well with a good memory for details, and are practical. Intuition enables perception of possibilities, meanings, and relationships through insight. Intuitive perceptions can be hunches, creative discoveries, and seeing patterns among events, originating in the unconscious. Persons oriented toward intuition may neglect present reality, be imaginative, theoretical, abstract, future oriented, or creative.”

The Voter Scorecard

Copyright  ©  1988, 2011 Louis DeCola, Jr. All Rights Reserved


The author plans to develop The Voter Scorecard © 1988, 2011 to enhance its use and usefulness as a method to obtain good election outcomes. Additional 2012 United States Presidential candidates may also be included.

The 2012 United States Presidential Candidates themselves or their representatives are each invited to comment, make  recommendations, and/or add to the information in The Hygiology Post. Also, all of the 2012 United States Presidential Candidates are invited to be interviewed (for almost any purpose and in basically any format they choose to be interviewed) by and write an article for publication in The Hygiology Post.

The author plans to expound upon Prescription #9 (Prescription #9  of “Some Prescriptions For Productive Goals” is : Consider voting for candidates [e.g., President of The United States] based upon levels of intuition in addition to other areas you believe deserve consideration) with additional information in The Hygiology Post.

The Hygiology Post welcomes feedback from readers on all six parts of the series (individually and/or as a total package) upon completion of the series as to whether the articles help fulfill its vision and mission.

Louis DeCola, Jr.                                                 © 2011 The Hygiology Post


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