Bernie Sanders: “Fighting For Disability Rights”

Senator Bernie Sanders has identified issues and his position on such issues (; obtained 09-17-2016). He  has a relatively high level  intuition (see previous articles on the mainstream 2012 US Presidential Candidates for the methodology used here and previously to determine level of intuition) and likely the highest of any candidate currently running for US President in either the Democratic or Republican Party (ie., now it is Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump). Per his website (; obtained on 09-17-2016) he identified issues and his position on such issues. Here is an excerpt from one issue he identified: “Fighting for Disability Rights” (; obtained on 09-17-16):

“When the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was passed 25 years ago, it was hailed as the world’s first comprehensive declaration of equality for people with disabilities. Today, as a result of this landmark legislation, millions of people with disabilities are no longer denied the opportunity to get on a bus, go to a decent school, make a decent living, attend a baseball game, and live successful and productive lives. Instead of being isolated and hidden from society, kids with disabilities are now in classrooms all over America and graduating from high school and college with the respect and admiration of their classmates, teachers, and families.
This transformation in our culture and society did not happen by accident, and it did not happen overnight – it happened because a grassroots movement demanded change. Despite the progress that has been made over the past two decades, we unfortunately still live in a world where people with disabilities have fewer work opportunities and where the civil rights of people with disabilities are not always protected and respected.
Bernie has been a champion for the rights of people with disabilities and he will continue to fight to ensure that our society is one where people with disabilities can live full and productive lives.”

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Louis DeCola, Jr.  © 2016                                    The Hygiology Post ®


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